- p: 828-698-5885
- f: 828-698-5884
- 1611 Asheville Hwy
Hendersonville NC 28791 - mvi@multiviewinc.com
© Multi-View Incorporated Systems. All rights reserved
Insights Into Hospice Management – MP3/CD This message is from a CFO Program, which is normally attended by both CFOs and CEOs. It contains insights based on our experience with nearly 900 hospice organizations. Some of the insights will break with traditional ideas about management. However, it should be recognized that the practices of the […]
This is an “example” of what MVI produces and that many Hospice use to train their clinical staff on how to do their ideal hospice visit.
Hospice 101 – MP3/CD This is another MVI internal training CD. Not very flashy, but it conveys the basics for people new to hospice. (43 minutes)
Getting Rid of the Dead Wood – MP3/CD This message explains that having unproductive people in organizations is the number one problem in hospice. It goes into the “big talk” with examples of how to terminate employees. Not a fun message, but a necessary one. (20 minutes)
This clip explains the Model™ approach to hospice operations, and how this approach provides a framework, that allows the best ideas to be incorporated into the fabric of an organization. The goal of the Model is to create a high-quality, predictable experience for everyone. This video is a great tool to use as you are […]
© Multi-View Incorporated Systems. All rights reserved