Your Hospice is Already Doing The Model™
All hospices have a model. Hospices may think that they are not doing the MVI Model and that is okay. However, all hospices have a way of doing business which is essentially a model. These models usually evolve organically over time. The big difference is that what we are prescribing is the intentional creation of a way of doing hospice. The goal of The Model™ is this:
To create a predictable high-quality experience… that is balanced.
Ponder the meaning of this statement.
The Model™ has nothing to do with making all hospices the same. The emphasis of The Model™ is to create a system of care that fills the needs and desires of the communities they serve. One of the problems in our hospice universe is that so many hospices look the same. We are inbred… many programs have evolved into singled-eyed entities. We encourage hospices to dare to be different. Create something new… something that will increase the overall average of care. There is a vast universe of ways to differentiate hospices; it is much easier than most people think.
Hospice should not rely on random acts of kindness. A hospice needs a system… a structure of how it works. Our hospice world is filled with unbalanced business cultures where there is lack of accountability and standards. The Model™ addresses these problems head-on and provides fast clarity and unity. All hospices need a facelift from time to time; your hospice vision can be renewed.
Common Misunderstanding of the MVI Model Amounts
Many hospices confuse the meaning of the MVI Model in our Benchmarking Application (BA) and in our tough training programs. They think that MVI encourages all hospices to operate within the same rigid constraints. The MVI Model in the BA is simply an attainable set of measurements for the everyday hospice in America. They are not so wildly “out there” that they cannot be realized with a some initiative and creativity. However, the MVI Model should NOT dictate how you do hospice. Base the way your hospice does its work on your dreams and ideals… as long as they are financially balanced. The MVI Model amounts are needed references and an added perspective when viewing your own performance.
Some hospices think the MVI Model amounts are Andrew’s Model. Wrong. Again, these amounts are simply goals that the everyday hospice in America can achieve.
An Andrew Model would look quite different and would be hard to swallow for most hospices. It would reshape nursing/SW, increase CNAs, add Homemakers, double the resources devoted to the Volunteer function, use TellUs Medicine, infuse intentionally designed visit formats, slash Indirect by 1/3, shape meeting formats, and have a spiritual emphasis that understands the function of money as important tool for learning concrete thinking. Yes, this hospice would look different indeed.
– by Andrew Reed